My Dress-Up Darling is a romantic comedy anime series based on the manga of the same name by Shinichi Fukuda. Here’s a concise overview:
Synopsis: The story follows Wakana Gojo, a shy and introverted high school student who is an expert in crafting and repairing dolls. Marin Kitagawa, a popular and outgoing student, discovers his talent and convinces him to model and cosplay as a doll. As they work together, they develop a strong bond, and their friendship blossoms into romance.
Key Points:
The anime consists of 12 episodes, airing from January 9 to March 27, 2022.
It was produced by CloverWorks and directed by Keisuke Shinohara.
The series received widespread critical acclaim for its animation, voice acting, characters, humor, and translation.
The manga has been serialized in Square Enix’s Young Gangan since January 2018 and has been compiled into 13 volumes as of May 2024.
The anime adaptation was praised for its portrayal of a slow-burn romance, showcasing the characters’ growth and development over time.
Awards and Nominations:
12th Newtype Anime Awards (2022): 9th place for Best Work
7th Crunchyroll Anime Awards (2023): Nominated for Best New Series, Best Comedy, and Best Romance
Concerns and Controversies:
Some viewers criticized the anime for its slow pace and lack of romantic development between the main characters, particularly in the manga adaptation.
Fans have expressed frustration with the series’ refusal to depict intimate moments between Marin and Wakana, despite the manga’s progression.
Overall: My Dress-Up Darling is a heartwarming and charming anime that explores themes of friendship, creativity, and romance. While it may not be to everyone’s taste, it has garnered a dedicated fan base and critical acclaim for its unique storytelling and character development.
📂 Episode 01 to 03 👉 Click Me 🔗
📂 Episode 04 to 06 👉 Click Me 🔗
📂 Episode 07 to 10 👉 Click Me 🔗
📂 Episode 11 to 12 👉 Click Me 🔗