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Review By Mr KD Sneak Peek: The Third Charm


This time I want to make a short review of Seo Kang Joon's new drama entitled The Third Charm. This drama is directed by Pyo Min Soo and stars Seo Kang Joon and Esom. The story in this drama explores the real side of relationships between couples. 

Starting on the eve of the change from 2012 to 2013, that night Ohn Joon Young (Seo Kang Joon), who works as a police officer, along with several of his colleagues, will carry out a raid at a nightclub. It was alleged that there was someone at that place who was going to deliver drugs ordered by an artist. After they had been on guard for some time, someone suspected of being a drug courier came into the nightclub. After waiting for a signal from Ohn Joon Young, they moved into the nightclub. There was a commotion between the police and the club employees. They forced their way inside to find drug couriers and drug users.

Unexpectedly, when the members were busy fighting after drug couriers and people in the club were cheering to welcome the new year, Ohn Joon Young saw a woman from his past. That woman is Young Jae (Esom), his first love and an evil woman he doesn't want to see again. They both stared in silence while around them there was a commotion mixed with the excitement of New Year's Eve.

Flashback to 7 years ago.

At that time, when they first met on an underground KRL, there was a man who committed an indecent act towards another female passenger. At that time, Young Jae was annoyed and angry seeing the man's behavior. Then because he couldn't stand it any longer, Young Jae finally reprimanded the man. The man had argued that he did not want to admit what he had done. Until the train stopped at a station and the train doors opened, the man immediately ran out, then Young Jae chased the man and dragged him to the police station. The man refused to admit what he had done and instead accused Young Jae of wanting to blackmail him. There was an argument going on until finally Joon Young came with his camera. Apparently Joon Young always records every incident that happens in front of him. The man couldn't move because Joon Young's video recording clearly contained evidence of him committing sexual harassment. Young Jae is very grateful because Joon Young has helped him. That was their first meeting.


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